Friday, December 02, 2005

The wait .....will be over soon

A little patience is all we need,
A little patience to take the next breath,
A little more to think things straight,
And a wisp of perseverance to stick with our principles,
A little more of our patience goes to build something out of shackles.

A million questions on my mind, looking for answers sublime
Everyone seems to know whats the right thing to do
Everyone messes up inspite of that
Sometimes failures take us farther than accolades
Making something out of nothing is a disturbed state.

I tell you to wait a while , to think, to keep the hope
I know you are capable,I know very few others are
I know it will take forever but when you get it, You will win it all!
Easier said than done they say but I have had my shares of wait too
And tell you what one thing I have learnt is great dreams take time but they do come true.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot dear... That's a great encouragement

Victim Of Desire said...

they will surely come true. Yahweh.

Anonymous said...
that's a wonderful job!
hey why don't u view my webpage from tomorrow....