Thursday, May 11, 2006

D o s t - (b) l o g

This blurb of words, I write as a Thanks to friends who walked in and out of my life or are here to stay and have made a big big impact on my life............................
Naming names is not very nice so all of them stay anonymous but I will give them a nick name that I identify them with.

So beginning from the very beginning of life here are a few who are far far away!!!!

Telegu Amma
A friend for life but only connected through letters and e-mails and all such things that we communicated with and are still communicating for the over a decade now. This friend and I have shared exciting adventures of trying to cook real food in ‘pretend - play utensils’ (read bhatukli/ ghargatta) and we have sat on top of cupboards and done rallies with our bicycles…………………this brainy babe works for IBM and soon….hopefully soon I will meet her I guess… either of our weddings if that happens or otherwise.

Inspirational Dude
Memories of teenage are usually so hard to dissolve in the confusion of life but some are really hard to let go. One such guy that I know of was an ace business man even at the age of 12. He actually made me believe that spirits exist …..Successfully managed to fool me in the various games we played…….let me play cricket with him and other guys. His intelligence was an inspiration and yeah his looks something to drool on…..don’t mean to sound too nostalgic but my first tid - bits of Marathi slang (information) was gathered from this dude……Can talk 24*7…….and can talk sense that long!
Time never stands still and we lost touch but became friends again….different places, different time…..manners persisted though!

The Obsessive Perfectionist
She is the reason why I am doing what I am doing today. Have known her for about almost 10 years. A lot changed over this time….she went from being single to being someone’s wife and me from a masters’ degree holder to second masters but our friendship has been ever so wonderful! Different countries but telepathy rules…Punctuality, need for orderliness and determination is what I learnt from her. I wouldn’t have cleared even 11th grade had it not been for her earnest desire to wake me and take me to college with her to write the final exam which I conveniently had forgotten about………Kudos to her determination…….

The ‘CRAZier’ than me Gypsy
When in doubt call her! That is the rule I live by. However I say crazier because I identify with her too well. Do regard myself to be a little crazy if not much. So this one…..really don’t know how became such good friends with her but one thing’s for sure she understands me perfectly. Amazing at counseling, happens to take it up as her profession soon ……and yes one thing about her….she is never afraid to face fear in the face. Never will a friend hear “I don’t have time from her”. People say I will always be there for you but she follows that sentence to the T. Let’s see where life takes us from here.

Sensitive Brat
Heard of anyone throwing hard snow peas at someone’s wedding instead of rice lentils? Heard of anyone putting chicken in the refrigerator and hiding it there for a week when your mom (strictly against meat) doesn’t allow it? Well some of the things this pal of mine has accomplished. At the same time things like a friends’ farewell can make his eyes moist! A romantic to the core, he hates to take a book in his hands but can write wonderful verses if need be !!!!!!!
It doesn’t take too many notes to strike a chord with him and yet we share a good rapport. Been through a lot of rough times in life…..Been friends for too short a time but will always have a lot of respect and care for each others’ livelihood.

So thanks to each one of you for being you!!!

Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends."- Richard Bach


Anonymous said...


Victim Of Desire said...

yaaron dosti..badi hi haseen hian...
yeh na ho to..kya phir..bolo yeh zindagi hain...


Anonymous said...

I agree. It is Coooool! Keep on writing please.