Friday, September 07, 2007


I'm back to the world of blogging. Renewed , rejuvenated and replenished.
Was enjoying myself. First submerged in finishing up work and meeting research deadlines and then a long vacation.
6 weeks is apparently a very long time.
Synopsis of the vacation would be a boring thing for you to read and for me to write.
Least of all I can save you this pain.

Wondering if I should have a theme to what I write. I guess I will start writing a story. With few characters, an interesting plot that I have in mind. With dialogs. Real episodes like you would experience in everyday life. But then again continuity is important. So i wouldn't possibly persevere in that aspect. Too little time and too much to do.

We'll see how it goes.
For now I am contended to just get back into the swing of things and read a wonderful book called ' THE TIME TRAVELLER's WIFE'!

1 comment:

Mithun said...

Welcome back!!