Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Lately its been quite a boring life. Work - Home and back to work. Except a few times when i really get to sit back and take time out for myself. Time to do whatever I want to do....hmmm quite rarely.

Anyways on the personal and professional front although life is not treating me that bad, it's quite glitches but no glories either.

Somehow find the advertisements and announcements on social networks quite dumb but then i guess that's just a way for people to get attention / share / vent out or simply be pretentious and self absorbed.

Looking forward to some time off. Pursuing a hobby i have waited long to learn and take up. Pursuing work projects i have longed to take up. Pursuing life goals that I have expected to fall in place ... Basically its an uphill climb and I am not yet geared fully but I am ready to take up the challenge.....

Hope all goes well!

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