Saturday, January 13, 2007


Taking a break often clears our mind and we are able to think afresh.
Some psychologists not so long ago had clearly defined the several stages of problem solving strategy. Incubation and Isolation were two that clearly have stuck in my mind.
In simple words, staying in close proximity of the problem and going away from the problem can actually shed light on (often overlooked) solutions.
I was taking a break from blogging recently because for some reason I didn't have any useful or creative stuff to put out there in the world. Was kind of wierd this stagnant thought stage. It was like my creativity was snubbed in the face and it's livelihood strangled by the growing pressure of quality writing that I wanted myself to do.
What i was aiming at was hibernation but prolonged hibernation suddenly started to seem like hiatus. Hiatus from what? From expression? From thinking? But most importantly from being aware and from being awake. Sometimes if I stretched it enough i could even say it was a hiatus from life.
Well so although I do not have much to say, what i wish to convey through these paragraphs of wisdom is what I think is our most common mistake. Although we feel we are not creative or we are not effective enough sometimes, i wonder if it is important to just keep the energies flowing. Some neutral energy won't hurt anyone right? It keeps the practice up and also doesn't let your brain rust. It kind of keeps the engines running. Otherwise in these sub zero temperatures of society, it is very easy to let them rust or freeze ............................


Anonymous said...

Nice one! Could very much connect with that!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back here :)
A break often works well - helps you relax n rejuvenate, see things in a fresh perspective, discover new avenues and channelize your thoughts n emotions in a manner like never before. In the process, I wonder if you really let your brain become rusty or freeze - it is way too busy in the activities I just mentioned before. ;-)