Sunday, February 04, 2007

Persistant Injustice

Name of Movie: Dombivili Fast.
Language: Marathi.
Expections : Supposedly wierd.
Reaction: Speechless and Guilty !!

It began with the usual hubabboo of watching a marathi movie. The interest being more surrounding the dinner that would go with the movie rather than the content of the movie itself, More due to the lack of serious and thought provoking marathi cinema that we have had the chance to witness recently.Within first five minutes we got engrossed in the movie and were glued to the screen till the last scene.

However today was an exception of all sorts. This movie is a beautiful potrayal of monotonous metropolitan Mumbai life, of the hustle -bustle of the city, Hapless condition of basic infrastrucure that is grappling to cope with the growing need of corrupt pillars of the political world and of course common man who bears the brunt of the not so commeners of that city.

A few give in and a lot many suffer. A few bend and break many others.If you cannot have something, there prevails an attitude, which doesn't let anyone else live in peace.

Getting whatever you wish for at whatever cost you need to pay for, is Greed.

Letting this greed survive and feed on uncalled for favors is Cowardness

Above all, diffusion of responsibility and going with the flow and as usual retorting"It's ok! it happens to everyone, Life is not fair." is like the person who is not sleeping but rather only feigning sleep. We can awaken someone who is asleep. But what about a person who is faking sleep! Pretence is hard to point out and more so harder to avoid !

Corruption is a social evil and the sooner we try to abolish it from our systems the better.It is like a cancer that rots the body and doesn't even let it know for a long time that it exists.

In the end Truth and principles did lose and died a silent death in the movie but I guess it sent out a very important message. If you ever understood what the movie meant then please try and make a difference in the world, in India, in your state, in your surrounding. Anything you do would help to save any others who might give in to the easy ways and take measures that would probably be required but through a very wrong route. So let's take responsibility before it's too late.


Swati Gavde said...

I agree! A very well-made movie, But I beg to differ with you on the point that marathi movies lack thought provoking and serious subjects! Marathi cinema according to me is improving day by day and movies are anytime much better than our formula Hindi movies:)

Victim Of Desire said...

yup..great movie...and good point...but bon was telling me that the movie is copied when i told him the story of the movie..he said that he watched the original movie during this break...whatever, it was a good effort...

raya UD said...