Sunday, January 15, 2006

Back to my world.............. of solitude!!!!

A month long of fun en frolic came to an end.Work has mounted on the table.Dust sitting on the desk needs some attention.I need to get out of bed for once and wash the dishes in the sink.
Made warm soup today.It's being pretty terrible to have to do things on my own once again.

The trip to India was wonderful.Had a lot of questions on my mind about career, life , friendships, love and family in general ............... now I have another ton of those more.....

Two days into my routine and life is so different.Day begins with a warm cup of coffee , alone, staring at the blue sky in Normal and the day ends with the same old bread and pasta dinners that I had almost forgotten existed......

The last few weeks were solace....they were relaxation.

Computer needs a helping hand and I need to buy new books. A little homesick for now since I am missing the good time I had but on the other hand it's the only thing that will keep me going...The motivation for me to finish and get back to a life where I wouldn't miss anything, or anyone except my freedom...................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to see you back