Thursday, August 31, 2006

A ; ~(B v C) . therefore intelligent ?

How often do academicians classify people on the basis of grades. Well not so often but quite often enough too.
An A grade in a course means that the student has shown excellent thought and critical analysis of the subject required of him or her. However I always wonder what justice does this do to a student who has the required expertise in regards to thought and analysis but just lacks the persistence.
Or is bogged down by social pressures and loves to party or play music rather than write a paper for the class
Or is emotionally burdened and cannot think straight. Has tears rolling down the cheeks every single time the thought of home or people close to the heart passes in the mind's eye.
Or just doesn't care about grades.
Well but at some point in life every person who belongs to any of the above categories does wonder what it would have been like if he or she were to belong among the elite A's rather than the Bs or Cs of this world. Are they a different breed or are they just like every other Tom across the street?
Success is measured by what what becomes of you and not from where you became. So good grades to me are a necessity only when they reflect the prowess of the person and not otherwise.
They are not markers of wisdom nor are they indicators of sound rationale and judgement. They are merely showcasing the person's ability to learn and score in the school setting.
So much so I would say sometimes it's good to study without a certain grade. Atleast I think I have learnt the most in classes where after mid - semester I didn't care what grade I got by the end of the class but just gave it my 200 % and sure enough like everything in the just world I scored well too.
Thus I will say
~ (BvC)
therefore inconclusive !!!


Harsha S Rao said...

Very true

Anonymous said...

tell me you got a B this time! ha ha ha haa

28112 said...

@ neo.... well what should I are so great with your estimations.....

Anonymous said...

so did you?

Anonymous said...

I am not 100% sure that I completely agree with you on this one. You need some kind of standardization to measure success, or anything. Currently grades is one of the best measure we have. Else, you can have the same argument in every aspect of life. e.g. gymnastic or horseriding. I agree, that examination is a test of technique and not necesssarily talent, but sometimes, the talent is in knowing and applying the technique. Thus, people getting A may not better than people getting B or C as a person, but in that maze of academia, they are the diamonds with the most carats.