Thursday, March 09, 2006


Well what do you expect? It's women's day they said.......A poetry slam in some shack or a coffeehouse or something, Nah, I had better things to do today! I retorted...
Like think about robots and how real life thinking doesn't help to build real perceptive robots.
I was breaking my neck over some research done way back in 1987 and believe me, I loved to read this paper.It was by an Artificial Intelligence researcher from MIT , U.S.A and what do you expect when you read work by one of the prolific reserachers in robotics from one of the best institutions of the country of his time................

"Sheer exhuberance of his own bombasity???????"No , not at all.Infact the paper was a modest attempt to put things into the right perspective.
As I got done with the paper and was about to leave I saw an old friend of mine.I hope she didn't think I pounced on her the minute I saw her............But seriously I was so so so so happy to see her.Not that we are amazingly close friends, but nevertheless I don't know why I think she happens to be just one of those few people I can connect with.I can talk to, even without talking tons of words. I was delighted atleast we could exchange a few sentences before she was on a way out to some show, she was going to attend.But yeah that was quite an experience and I think that really put me in a good mood.
I came home and dealt with a horrible work issue, with dirty undone laundry, dishes and a lot of homework but deep down in my heart I was contended.Why? I still don't know. But I was experiencing a little happiness I guess.Haven't been used to that happening lately but yeah life doesn't fail to surprise me every now and then

I think there are people who make you go out of your way to avoid even a glance and then there are those OTHERS who inspire you.............
Inspire not in the sense to be like them, but just give you enough inspiration to have the courage to be YOURSELF..........
To celebrate your own persona and be the queen / king of your own personal bubble.To such friends
I dedicate this blog and to my dear friend whom I met today.......
Kudos to you! Don't know what's it about your personality that I admire so much but just think that
To be you is to revere independence, to celebrate thought and to emulate enthusiasm!
THANK YOU for being YOU!


SAL said...
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SAL said...

Touching indeed...

Its so strange, that some people can affect your lives so much; however very true.
Their smile can make your day,
their words can make u happy & gay

Anonymous said...

this makes me wonder whether you were at all happy that another good(??) friend(?) of yours also visited you after a week...Ki phir ghar ki murgi dal barabar, eh?

28112 said...

Am I answerable to you????????? since when huh?

Anonymous said...

nope you are not...but neither am I seeking any answer..I said I am just *wondering*...

Siddharth Adelkar said...

Marvin Minsky? the researcher?

28112 said...

@ adelkar : the researcher is Robert Brooks