Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The King of hearts

Today as I did my usual routine in the cardio room at the University recreational center, the treadmill right next to me was getting squeakier by the minute and I was absolutely disgusted at the way the girl running on it wouldn't step down and run on another one.
Three minutes later a couple walked in. Well I am sure it was exactly three minutes since I was running and there when you are breathless, every minute is like eternity.
So the couple walked in side by side. Old , weary and tired. The man, an octogenerian; walked a couple of steps ahead. He was wearing a full sleeves shirt and his jacket drooped over his bent shoulders. Rugged shoes, laces barely tied and the woman probably in her late seventies or so. White well kept hair, Thick glasses, a flowery blue t-shirt and a beautiful smile on her face.
She was unsure where in the world they were or perhaps unwilling to come to this place.
Everyone in the room gave them a quick glance and stared back into void as if this much acknowledgement was fair enough.
The woman's smile had vanished and deliberation showed on her face. The man snorted, jittery joints yet calm as he was, he clasped the hand of the woman and squeezed it tightly. Eyes twinkled and they walked in further.The smile returned to her face.In just this small gesture he promised the world to be safe for his lady...........
Perhaps all this might not mean much to the world but when I observed the moment all I thought was kudos to this old man. Quite rightfully I can call him the King of hearts !!!!!
A priceless moment and a indefinable emotion.


Anonymous said...

very well written!

Swati said...

Lovely!! It is moments like this which are so inconspicuous and yet the have a huge learning in them

Monsieur K said...

a moment of "i am there for you, always" - unspoken words by the guy, yet heard by his lovely wife.

that was really a nice post! :-)

Anonymous said...

Sweet! :)

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the woman as well, don't you think, to think a world of her man. Reassurance is reassurance when one accepts it right? When someone accepts the reassurance unquestingly so I think the moment was magical because there was mutual sharing of reassurance -giving and accepting it unquestioningly