Thursday, April 06, 2006


Courage is to stand up in a crowd and disagree,
Courage is to learn to ditinguish between every degree
Courage is to face death with a smile
Courage is to withstand the pain of a loved one's death.... all through the while
Courage is to see pain and tell yourself you don't feel anything,
Courage is to face a storm and not break anything.
Courage is to understand the nuances and yet agree there exist none,
Courage is to abandon the easy way out and treat complexity as fun.
Courage is to learn to give and not expect anything back
Courage is latent, hidden , it's not showcased in a pack
Courage outdoes fear, Courage makes you a seer,
Courage demands you dry the tear and courage means; in sadness you cheer.
Courage is faith, Courage is integrity,
Courage is oneness even in 'loneliness - infinity'!
Courageous is a child who can stand up and say 'No' to a stranger offering candy,
Courageous is the soul that can decide for oneself,
Courageous is an octogenerian who refuses to be treated though death is certain otherwise.
Courage comes unknowingly if only you let yourself free from fear of the unknown, self doubt and despise!


SAL said...

Beautiful! :)

Love this quote, and wud wanna add here too:
"Courage is just fear holding on a minute longer." ~ Thanks to Kathryn A. Piersall

And yaa, It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else. This is a gr8 start ;)

Victim Of Desire said...

this is your best work till date of what i've known...awesome!!

Ess said...

amazing one!!! relli liked it.

Courage is to face death with a smile - a la RDB style ;)

28112 said...

@ Sal thank you
@ Victim of desire...I am honored...thanks
@ Sumedh thank you...hmmm RDB ...can somewhat agree to that but more like Border style...take a landmine in your hands and die smilingly...

Anonymous said...

A very nice poem....Too good.
Caught u from Victim's blog. :)